Electromagnetic Transduction Therapy
What is Electromagnetic Transduction Therapy?
EMTT using the Storz Magnetolith® is a noninvasive, painless outpatient treatment that is used to treat patients suffering from degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis, chronic back pain, and overuse injuries. During EMTT, high-energy electromagnetic pulses are applied to the body, penetrating to the deepest areas of the affected tissue layers.
Treatment is typically painless, lasts about 20 minutes, and patients have no limitations immediately after therapy. Depending on the severity and chronicity of the condition being treated, anywhere from 4-10 treatments may be needed. This therapy is synergistic and is often combined with AWT for a potent combination of musculoskeletal healing and repair.
Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT) with the MAGNETOLITH® opens up new possibilities in regeneration and rehabilitation. The areas of application include diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as lower back pain and tendinopathies of the rotator cuff or Achilles tendon. EMTT is a non-invasive treatment that has been specially developed for treating musculoskeletal (MSK) pain and other disorders. We either use it alone or in conjunction with our Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) equipment. In fact, EMTT combined with Shockwave Therapy is remarkable for people struggling with chronic conditions.
EMTT differs from general forms of magnetic field therapy or PEMF due to the high oscillation frequency of 100 – 300 kHz. This property enables a high penetration depth (18 cm) and a large range of indications.